Quail Basic Health knowledge |
Quail Basic Health knowledge
17If kept away from other poultry rearing set-ups, the quail do not usually suffer from a lot of illnesses, although they can contract most chicken diseases (avian cholera, variola, Newcastle disease, and avian flu). It is recommended to administer anti-parasite medication every 2-3 months.Aspergillosis can be a real problem, particularly during a quail’s first 3 weeks. It is caused by fungi contained in the grains. The symptoms are shortness of breath and general breathing difficulties due to thick yellow deposits or a greenish felt-like coating in the trachea or air sacs. Treatment is difficult and usually requires advice from a vet.2.4 HealthWaterParticularly during the first week, make sure that the small chicks do not drown in water troughs. To prevent this, half fill the troughs with small pebbles or marbles that will be removed in the second week. Keep at least 0.6 cm of space per quail at the water trough. Use nipple drinkers for adult quail (one nipple for five quail).It is important to maintain a supply of clean water at all times. The drinkers should therefore be cleaned at least once a day. Change the water if it has feed in it. It must not be too warm, as this causes pathogenic agents to multiply.If possible, add a drop of methylene blue to the water once a week. This will noticeably reduce respiratory diseases among the quail while purifying the water, as it is an antiseptic with mild fungicidal and bactericidal properties. It is sensible to clean and disinfect the drinkers and feeders every week to prevent diseases. In a bucket of hot water, add a little detergent and scrub them with a stiff brush. Then add a little sodium hydrochlorite (bleach) to a bucket of hot water and scrub again. Finally, rinse them and check they are operating correctly before replacing them.White vinegar is also a very good disinfectant that kills germs; use it, even diluted with water, on equipment like the drinkers and feeders at least once a month, or when the quail show signs of illness.Medicinal methylene blue (which can be bought from a pharmacy) should be used. Do not misuse this product, as it is poisonous.Later on, coccidiosis and enteritis can affect quail. The symptoms of coccidiosis are white and bloody diarrhoea often leading to a high mortality rate. It can be treated with terramycin or chloramphenicol. Enteritis results in bloody diarrhoea. The quail eat little or stop eating completely, and the disease has a very high mortality rate. Cages must be thoroughly disinfected, and other quail must be treated with streptomycin and given calcium.It is possible to vaccinate against Salmonella typhimurium. This disease causes white diarrhoea, respiratory difficulties and death, particularly among young quail, as well as a swollen abdomen and joints among adults. A broad-spectrum antibiotic can be administered, but it is better to start over with healthy breeders, and then vaccinate. The best protection against diseases is to observe a strict hygiene regime at each stage of rearing.
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